Earlier this year I travelled to Paris, not only to photograph a ballerina in the reflection of the Eiffel Tower, but also to learn from one of the world leaders in portrait photography, Sue Bryce.

While the education in the small group was invaluable on its own right, I have also received an unexpected gift. Not only has she taught us how to run the business, how to keep our hearts and minds in check, and how to love and value ourselves and others, she also gave us a support system, a beautiful community. We are all different, with different backgrounds and personalities, but sharing very similar values has brought us together to become friends.

 We have decided to create a network of professionals for support, nurturing and creation within our craft as portrait artists. I am both humbled and proud to be a part of it.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pride and honour that I give you an international network of portrait photographers that I am so proud to be a part of, the Fireball Portrait Photographers. 

international network of portrait photographers

This year’s project was to photograph a dress like no other. A dress that has traveled through countries and continents.
The purpose of the project was to showcase how we are not your average photographer (or group of) but, an enterprise of skilled and passionate professionals that are available to photograph you anywhere in the world. We are traveling in January of 2017 to London to again meet, shoot, and celebrate the new year with one another, with our clients in one of the most magical cities on the globe. I do hope you’ll join us.



We don’t believe in competition, we believe in loving others, helping them grow and going after your dreams, becoming better today than we were yesterday with certainty and conviction.

Make sure you scroll to the end!